What's Inside!
The Author
Chapter 1
A New World!
An often-undiscussed paradigm and how we need to reverse and evolve from its effects.
Chapter 2
The Search
I knew something had to change. I knew nothing would if I didn’t. So, this is how I found what had to, and how I did.
Chapter 3
Prime The Pump!
Every now and then I come back to this story. Where many find themselves now. Where I was and how this story carried me through.
Chapter 4
The Listener : Ideas, Thoughts, Dreams, Plans
Who you share your ideas with. what effect they all have on your ideas. How to categorize your listeners and how they will impact your ideas.
Chapter 5
Passion, Performance, Profit
The principle of the 3ps. How to synchronize them to find ultimate fulfillment.
Chapter 6
What is and what is not. My near misses and my deductions from the battle within.
Chapter 7
Start Small
Why this is a blessing and not a challenge. The importance of starting small and how to benefit from it.
Chapter 8
A Lonely Journey
When you understand the contents of this chapter, you will make fewer enemies along your journey.
Chapter 9
Brand or Money
What to know about this complex relationship and the strategies required on each patch.
Chapter 10
Self vs self. What to be aware of and how to protect yourself.
Chapter 11
Gear up to swim in this pool. You won’t avoid it. Let’s discuss the gears you need